As part of HVE internationalization strategy, in 2004 HVE signed an agreement with Wuhan University of Technology (WUT) to cooperate within different areas including both education and R&D activity. Through several years hard effort, HVE has also successf ully established the Institute for Microsystems Technology (IMST) to educate "Master in Microsysems Engineering" and to support regional industrial R&D activity. Currently, IMST has got three projects supported by NFR within Microtechnology. From 2005, IM ST will be supported as CoE for microtechnology. Now knowledge exchange, therefore internationalization, becomes a crucial point for the development of IMST focused competence. Adding to our China activity in 2004, we now have Professor Xuyuan Chen workin g with IMST, who has very good contact with Academic community in China. As NFR encouraged partner, China naturally becomes one of our strategic partners to seek.
In this project, we will focus our effort on three major issues. 1) Enhance the partner ship and materialize the agreed cooperation between HVE and WUT. 2) We will contact, visit and discuss with more Chinese partners to create us a great opportunity for selecting the best and qualified partners for exchanging knowledge and researchers. 3) W e, together with our partner, start to plan and establish a research project within world leading technology.
For the purpose of supporting our already existing NFR project, the MEMS centers with strong competence will be contacted. The potential partne rs list below have been contacted through our primary activity earlier.
1) SAH MEMS center at Xiaman University, 2) Shanghai Inst. of Microsystem and Info. Techn, 3)Inst. of Microelectronics of Chinese Academy of Sciences.
For conducting this project, r ight now we have not only the wide contacts but also clear tarket groups. We even have the executive help from Chinese embassy, for example, embassador Ms. Chen Naiqing and First secretary-Education Mr. Sun.