The meeting will gather 8 researchers from Ifremer and 15 researchers and students from the Mohn-Sverdrup center. The workshop will last two days (19th and 20th of May 2005) with presentations and discussions of future collaboration (see program attached ).
Several issues have already been identified where our competences should meet:
- Coastal monitoring platforms: Ifremer with the Dyneco department. NERSC with the MONCOZE NFR project.
- Integration of observations and models: Ifremer with major measur ement programmes (Coriolis, Gyroscope) the MSC with data assimilation methodologies.
- Usefulness of MERSEA products: Ifremer as coordinator
of the MERSEA IP. The MSC with the Barents Sea and Gulf of Mexico forecasting exercises.
- Marine ecosystem stud ies: Ifremer has expertise in health of aquaculture production. The MSC plans to forecast marine biogeochemistry.
- High resolution forcing on the North Atlantic: Ifremer with
sea surface winds from Quickscat satellite data. The MSC with modelling
of t he North Atlantic and simulations of currents induced by hurricanes.
- Ice covered areas: Ifremer with ice drift composite observations. the MSC with sea-ice modelling.
- Ocean salinity: Ifremer with the future SMOS satellite data. The MSC with generic da ta assimilation methodologies.
- Regional Seas connecting systems: junction between Ifremer's model of the English Channel and the MSC's North Sea model.
- Wave-current interactions: Ifremer's interest in rogue waves, the MSC is interested in the effect o f waves on currents.
More interesting issues should arise during the workshop.