Sport fishing has been a tourist activity in Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica, attracting both national as well as international tourists. Business in sport fishing has grown rapidly and contributes greatly to the economic development of the region. In general the local communities who work in tourist industry have benefited from such development. However, there are problems associated with such activities. Environmentally the sport fishing has generated pressure on some specific species which are of interest of t he fishing activity. This leads to the rapid decline of some species causing unbalance in biodiversity and ecosystems. The rapid development of tourism also causes other environmental issues such as accumulation of garbage, unplanned construction of touri st facilities affecting the coastal ecosystems. Socially the local culture and traditions have been influenced by tourists. Migration of people from areas of low employment opportunity to the tourist areas causing conflicts among the local community and n ew comers.
There are no studies or planning for a sustainable development of sport fishing in this area. Universite La Rochelle (France) has been working in coastal zone management in Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica for a number of years. The Norwegian Institute for Water Research (Abbreviation: NIVA) (Norway) is specialized in coastal zone management and environmental impact assessment of various development projects. NIVA has worked in Costa Rica previously in coastal related issues. Collaboration between the two institutes, University of La Rochelle and NIVA could provide complementary expertise to help develop a sustainable tourist development plan for the region of Central America. This proposal is to apply for pre-project funding for NIVA to establish a ne twork with Universite La Rochelle in order to study the feasibility of a project on sustainable tourist development in Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica; and to prepare the project proposals for the project.