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USA - Globally Distributed Software Development Work and Added Risks

Tildelt: kr 0,10 mill.




2005 - 2007

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The goal of the pre-project is to establish international research collaboration on GSW, with the intention of creating new knowledge through common research projects, in order to improve practice and develop new services in Norwegian industry. The plan i s to be in the position to apply for main project financing through PULS or VERDIKT. This main project will include at least one PhD-student from DNV. DNV believes that a long term relationship with international research partners will strengthen our rese arch, business and future growth and opportunities within Global Software Work. Software development is complex organisational work. It is a knowledge-intensive, communication- and collaboration-dependent activity, which in high degree is based on tacit and intangible knowledge. Trends in system development show an increasing distribution of people and activities across time, space and culture. A term for this is Global Software Work (GSW) - software work carried out through different constellations of g lobal alliances. Other commonly used words are outsourcing, off-shoring or co-sourcing. The focus on global software work within DNV is increasing, both through documented strategy and actual initiatives. DNV is providing clients with different "Managing Risk" services, and "Risk management of GSW" will most likely soon be inquired. Both strategic and operative risk management of GSW would be possible services. Research on these topics are important in order to develop these new DNV services on GSW. DNV is interested in building long term relations with national and international research institutions involved in research activities related to Global Software Work, such as Stanford University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).



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