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USA - Pre-proposal on genomic sequencing of cod

Tildelt: kr 0,10 mill.




2005 - 2009

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The Atlantic cod is one of our most important fish resources, and the species also has the potential to become a farmed species of significance in both national and international terms. The evaluation group established for evaluation of the CodGen gave th e following recommendations: "The evaluations committee strongly recommends that marine molecular biology should be strengthened in Norway. This is well justified since (i) the marine environment is of outmost importance for Norway, (ii) Norway has a lar ge oil industry that has some negative effects on the marine environment, and (iii) Norway has a strong aquaculture industry." "Norway should as soon as possible take initiative to form international consortia of stakeholders that can make a common effor t towards genome sequencing of selected marine species (e.g. salmon and cod) within 5 years." The need for genomic knowledge of cod is urging within three principal areas: ·Management of wild cod stocks. ·Monitoring impacts of anthropogenic environmental factors and climatic changes ·Removing biological bottlenecks in cod aquaculture. The present proposal aims on full filling the recommendations of the evaluation committee by suggesting preparation of a proposal for a full genomic sequencing of the Atla ntic cod genome.



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