R.BUP's tasks are research and education to promote mental health in children and adolescents, with catchment area Eastern and Southern Norway. Activities focusing on resiliemce and coping have run for years. Examples are studies as: exploration of stress and resilience processess; longitudinal epidemiological study with resilience focus; coping oriented interventions in preschool and high-school.
R.BUP includes 12 with doctorial degrees, and 14 PhD students, with manager of the project, Svenn Torgersen, in part-time position. The institution is multi-professional with close links betwen research, education and the clinical field, both specialist services and primary care.
The project includes:
(1) Concept and theories of process.
We want to clarify th e concept of resilience and develop process oriented theories in order to faciliate research and practical application in different multiprofessional fields. Such theories can also aid the steering of empirical studies of causes and mechanisms of resilien ce.
(2) Causes and development.
In a longitudinal twin study we will follow all twins between 12 and 18 years agreeing to participate. A survey will be performed every year and an interview at 18. By means of the twin method we will study the genetic and the environmental components of resilience, and also the COMMON and SEPARATE genetic and environmental effects on personal characteristics and events/situation (gene-environment correlations and interactions). Resources as well as dysfunction will be stu died.
(3) Implementation of resilience-guided intervention.
Knowledge of resilience will be applied in target groups at high risk of adversities.We will plan a study on children and youth of mentally ill parents.
(4) Transmission of knowledge.
Confere nces will be arranged with national and international participants.
National networks of researchers and practitioners in the fields of resilience and coping will be established.