In order to better understand and control how neurons work we need more knowledge about thin, unmyelinated axons because:
* They are the most common, but yet the least studied axonal type in the mammalian cortex.
* They are the most excitable part of the neuron and are, therefore, very important for control neuronal activity.
* Both theory and experiments suggest that they have properties that are different from other axons.
During the last years, we have developed methods for direct axonal recordings th at have opened the possibility to investigate such axons in more detail than before. Using these methods we and other groups have shown that these axons have unique properties. They have, for example, specific membrane currents that control their excitabi lity specifically during high frequencies. Such knowledge gives the opportunity to develop treatment strategies that specifically targets neuronal hyperactivity, which is a problem of great clinical significance.
Continuation of the research to find out m ore about the spike generation and conduction processes is therefore important in order to fill the significant gap in the knowledge about how neurons work. By studying axonal properties, we can target their specific mechanisms and develop pharmacological methods to control excitability which is of great interest in the treatment of, for example, epilepsies and spasticity.