Norway has seen a substantial growth in numbers (doubled since 1970), standards and investments (mean sales values doubled since 1999) in recreational homes (second homes). Such a persistent development should be regarded as an essential manifestation ent ailed with implications for land use, society and nature. Locations and use of recreational homes are fairly well documented. Less is known about the forces, patterns and contingencies driving this trend. As a majority of recreational homes are rurally lo cated, and owners are urban citizens, the trend changes rural-urban relationships in ways that calls for comprehensive studies. The project aims to study growth and implications of recreational homes as basically driven by an "urban recreation sprawl". Ur ban citizens` demand for recreational consumption creates markets for a recreational homes industry in the rural hinterlands. Strong private economies, advances in technology and mobility, and an ample supply of attractive areas are factors that seem to r esult in continued urban recreation sprawl ever deeper into rural hinterlands. This project will identify and characterise urban recreation sprawl patterns based on Oslo, Trondheim and Tromsø. Recreational homes and their users represent a market basis fo r potential growth in rural economies. The project will study these markets and to what extent various regions have managed to exploit them. The growth in recreational homes presents also challenges relating to nature management, to environmental and sust ainability issues as well as social issues. The aim is to suggest better management instruments and strategies to better enforce a "smart growth" direction on the underlying sprawl driving forces.