This is a joint application to cover staff (0.5 position) for project and data management, statistical and laboratory services plus running project expences for the Hordaland Homocysteine Study and the Hordaland Health Study. The Norwegian Research Counci l has previously provided such support and the staff is currently in place. The application includes an overseas fellowship for biobank studies on B-vitamins and related factors and international mortality statistics. The sabattical fellowship will (1) st udies of trends in mortality patterns in Norway and other countries and (2) studies of cancer and chronic disease in the 500,000 women and men EPIC cohort. With 18,000 participants The Hordaland Homocysteine Study is the largest cohort study on homocystei ne (Hcy) ever conducted. Since its inception 1992-93 it has provided novel knowledge on Hcy and related vitamins in health and disease in more than 20 international scientific publications. Until now endpoints have been mortality, cardiovascular hospitali sations and pregnancy complications and outcomes. Planned additional endpoints include cancer incidence and non-cardiovascular hospitalisations including hip fractures to assess the association between Hcy and osteoporosis. Plasma and blood samples are st ored and planned novel analyses include vitamins B2, B6, choline, betaine, dimethyl glycine, and single nucleotide polymorphisms related to Hcy/folate metabolism. In 1997-99 the Hordaland Health study (HUSK) was conducted with 25,663 participants includin g 7082 from the Homocysteine cohort. This second data collection made possible new studies in the Homocysteine cohort on anxiety and depression, on bone mineral density and lung function, and on diet with a comprehensive food frequency questionnaire. In a ddition, cognitive function was assessed among the elderly participants. HUSK data have also been used in occupational and psychiatric epidemiology. These studies will continue.