National and international research have shown "Brief Intervention" (BI: examination, advice, encouragement to resume normal activities) to be a cost effective clinical treatment for low back pain. Research from participants in the Norwegian Back Pain Res earch Network has shown that BI followed up with more systematic training and Cognitive Behavioural Treatment (CBT) may be even more effective, competing with surgical interventions for chronic back pain. All our previous trials have used "Treatment As Us ual" (TAU) as control. As the new treatment principles gain acceptance among therapists the results from TAU may improve, and we need inert and preferably blind control treatments. We present the first design with a double blind control in a randomised co ntrolled experiment, using one inert and one potentially effective treatment (dietary supplements) in addition to a group with BI only (our "golden standard"), and one with BI and CBT combined. In our best programs BI given at 8-12 weeks sickness leave, a bout 30 % are still not back to work after a year. This experiment will establish the "real" effects of BI at a slightly later stage in the sickness period, and the potential additional clinical and cost benefit effects of adding CBT. The results may have substantial impact on treatment of patients with long lasting musculoskeletal pain.