We propose a programme of developmental research in which didacticians at 5 colleges work closely with teachers and student teachers to develop mathematics learning and teaching. The goal of project activity is that teaching should provide better learnin g experiences for pupils to develop conceptual understanding and competency in mathematics. Principle focus and developmental approaches vary from college to college, but all seek to build inquiry communities in which participants work collaboratively to develop practice through inquiry activity, often using ICT. Participants will engage in a cycle of design, action, reflection and feedback to develop their practice, designing tasks for classrooms or seminars, putting design into practice, reflecting cr itically on outcomes and modifying practices according to what has been learned. More formal research will study the activity in schools, outcomes for pupils in classrooms, pupil achievement and issues for teachers and didacticians in the developmental p rocess.
The colleges form a consortium agreeing to work together and in partnerships with local schools. Didacticians from each college work closely with teachers in the design of tasks and activity to enhance pupils' mathematical learning in classroo ms. Student teachers are taught in ways consistent with project aims and contribute to research in schools with their supervisors and practice tutors. Together communities of didacticians, teacher educators, teachers and student teachers will contribute to developmental research aimed at improving mathematics learning and research capacity. Didacticians research the entire process to provide knowledge of developmental activity and issues in creating such a research culture. Knowledge generated in the projects will inform the wider community on outcomes and issues emerging from developmental practice and the contribution of research to development.