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Micropower sensor interface in nanometer CMOS technology

Tildelt: kr 4,6 mill.





2007 - 2011

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The "Micropower sensor interface in nanometer CMOS technology" project aims at developing new and unique methods for low power digital sensor interfacing using state-of-the art nanometer CMOS-technology within the framework of biomedical wireless sensor n etworks. The major result of the project will be an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) optimized for wireless sensor nodes with very limited power budgets. This will increase the quality of biomedical sensor systems in terms of smaller size, improved signa l integrity, and reduced power consumption. Electronic equipment for biomedical applications, exemplified by implantable- and body-near electronics, is designed to sense, monitor, or control body functions. Such systems are cochlea implants, brain/blood p ressure sensors, ECG-sensors, etc. The scientific focus in the project will be to combine novel technology for high quality data conversion with recently developed methods for low-power sub-threshold CMOS logic. In addition the limitations with respect to low power supply voltage is to be considered in order to maintain acceptable signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) throughout the signal path from sensor readout to a wireless transceiver. The performance limiting factors that will be addressed in particular ar e 1) Signal distortion and component noise introduced by the analog circuitry operating in weak inversion and 2) Power consumption / speed of the digital processing logic in the sensor node. The project participants have the necessary key knowledge and re search experience within these areas. The inclusion of an active industrial partner will ensure the necessary realism and introduce a system framework for the sensor interfacing module. Novelda AS is a Norwegian R&D company focusing on complete solutions for low-power wireless sensor networks.

