A joint Workshop between NOAA and NMA with partners is to be arranged. The main objective is to discuss how to to improve the reference frame with a focus on marine applications. It is foreseen that the Workshop will result in application proposals to NFR , NSF, EU to study the determination of the geoid, the Mean Sea Surface (MSS), the Mean Dynamic Topography (MDT) and their interrelationship as a follow up and enhancement to the NFR funded project OCTAS and as an important input parameter for oceanograph ers in determining ocean circulation and transport from satellites. The freeboard height and the sea ice thickness will be determined in a similar, but improved, way as compared to what is being done in the ESA project ArcGICE. This requires the use of re tracked altimetry data. Retracked altimetry is also needed for an optimal determination of the MDT, especially in the Fram Strait. Relevant information on the time variation of snow depth, ice and ocean densities is also required
Another proposal will ad dress tide gauges and their importance for global change studies.
A third application will address the problem of determining a continuous MSS models bridging altimetry derived models with tide gauge data.