The joint Norwegian institutions led by the University of Life Science and the Yellow River Conservancy Commission of China are willing to establish research networks, and make cooperative efforts on the subjects with mutual interest and subjective compet ence, and establish new project proposals in accordance with the national and EU research programmes. Higher-level research fellows such as doctoral and post-doctoral and professionals exchange will be included in the conducted cooperation project proposa ls.
The Yellow River Conservancy Commission of China has strong professional competence and experience in harnessing the complex problems in the Yellow River catchment such as flood and drought control, water and soil losses, sediment source control and transportation. Even though, it is still great challenge to achieve the goal of sustainable river basin management. It is therefore important to incorporate the successful international experience and technologies to face the new emerging challenges and to improve the existing resolutions and control measures. Yet, the experience in harnessing the Yellow River may be valuable to the professionals in Norway.
The joint working group from Norway consists of the University of Life Science (UMB, project appl icant and project leader unit), The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE), The Norwegian Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Research (Bioforsk), The Norwegian Meteorological Institute (DNMI), the University of Oslo (UiO) and the Norwegian Institute of Water Research (NIVA) and Centre for Sustainable Development and Innovation (CSDI). It is these institutes' strategy and priority to develop international cooperation, especially with developing countries. The joint working group wi ll constitute a strong professional consortium to cover the specified topics and are willing to establish new projects with the Yellow River Conservancy Commission of China.