Detailed microstructural and mineralogical studies will be carried out on gold-telluride ores from the Dongping, Hougou and Huangtuliang mines, North China Craton. Both Norwegian and Chinese scientists will be involved in field and microanalytical work. T he results of investigation on these 'text-book' examples of orogenic gold-telluride deposits will aid understanding of the processes involved in formational processes and, element partitioning, phase association and mineral stabilities. Significantly, th e results will also provide fundamental information on the ore that can assist economic beneficiation, as well as providing data of critical importance for environmental protection.
In the field of mineralogy and mineral deposits, the increased openness f rom Chinese researchers, institutions and mining companies, and increasing sophistication of many Chinese laboratories, has opened large possibilities for the development of cutting-edge research projects in which skills are combined. The present proposal deals aims to combine the applicant's own long experience and practical expertise with small-scale mineralogical problems, with the huge volume of information available on one of China's most important mineral resources.
The objectives are to strengthen collaborative research between geoscientists in China and Norway and to involve one or more younger (PhD level) students in the project. Longer-term, we will use this experience to develop further projects (PhD level) within the framework of a Norway-Chin a collaboration. These may focus on other gold districts in China (e.g. Guilaizhuang and Qibaoshan, Shandong Province).
The project is also intended as a contribution to the International Geoscience Programme (IGCP) Project 486 'Gold-telluride deposits' ( 2003-2008), which is currently being led by the applicant.
Results will be published in international peer-review journals and presented at international conferences in mineralogy and ore deposit geology.