The Norwegian Institute of Gene Ecology, founded in 1998, has been an international leader in interdisciplinary food safety research, with particular emphasis on biosafety of genetically modified organisms. The establishment of a research cooperation in t he USA fits into our international strategies and priorities by forging important linkages with public institutions with this critical food production and thus food biosafety country. This cooperation would provide an environment for stimulating scientifi c exchange that will enhance our respective scientific programs, and lead to and opportunity for new research. The proposed research mentioned within will include a submission to the Norwegian Research Council and include doctoral and post-doctoral resear ch fellows, who would have the possibility of academic exchange with our partners in the USA.
The establishment of a bilateral cooperation between the Norwegian Institute of Gene Ecology and the University of California, Berkeley will serve 3 main purpos es: 1) to develop research cooperation on new projects in food biosafety research, 2) to co-facilitate technical development of commercially useful research methodologies for environmental monitoring, and 3) strengthen networking and exchange in cross-cut ting initiatives related food technology safety research in the public domain.
In order to promote bilateral cooperation on these themes, we are proposing a meeting exchange between the acting partners of the respective institutions.
The advancement o f these initiatives will only be possible if the resources are available for travel and opportunities to facilitate personal exchange and build camaraderie, to conduct discussions, public symposia, and demonstrate intent and sincerity to the negotiations. Lastly, this collaboration would help recognize Northern Norway as an important region in Norway for emerging cooperative development in research and technology.