Previous findings suggest that development of chronic sciatic pain results from multiple functional changes in the peripheral and central nervous system. As described in this grant proposal, several recently described human genetic variants may affect suc h processes. Hence, individual genetic susceptibility may be important to understanding of persistent sciatic pain. More knowledge about genetic susceptibility and development of chronic sciatic pain may be important for future diagnosing of non-malignant back disorders.
The sciatic pain patients in this project will be recruited from Ullevål University Hospital and Haukeland University Hospital, whereas the blood samples drawn after diagnosis will be analyzed at National Institute of Occupational Health (STAMI). Only patients, 18-60 years, having lumbar disc prolapse and acute low back pain radiating to one leg will be included in the study. The objective of the project is to examine the association between medical treatment, individual genetic suscepti bility and development of chronic sciatic pain.
The proposed project will not only increase our understanding of the underlying mechanisms, but also be of interest concerning our future clinical practice. Moreover, realization of this project will aid in establishing an important bridge between basic research scientists, hospital specialists, general practitioners and physiotherapists that may be crucial for future management of chronic sciatic pain. Taken together, the proposed project will contribute t o improved prevention, diagnostics, treatment and follow-up of chronic sciatic pain.