The Museum of Natural History and Archaeology will during the period 2007-10 produce and present an exhibition based on Fridtjof Nansen's Greenland expedition in 1888-89. The exhibition will include an overview of Norwegian polar research and IPY, with ex amples of relevant issues. In addition to the main exhibition, two thematic IPY relevant exhibitions will be presented in 2008-9.
The project will showcase IPY as a major initiative in Norway by linking aspects of the museum collections to relevant IPY projects.
The specific communication goals of the main exhibition can be presented under the following principal elements: 1) Norway as a polar nation, 2) Nansen's journey across the ice, 3) Nansen as ethnographer, 4) Norwegian polar research and IPY 2007 -08.
A thematic exhibition about climatic changes and biological adaptations is planned for 2008. This exhibition will focus on two projects: The IPY-supported project: "Bear Health" and a project dealing with climate change in relation to wild reindeer and humans.
A temporary exhibition in cooperation with the IPY-supported project Sciencepub is planned for 2009, "Natural climate and environmental changes in the Arctic and human adaptability: From research to general knowledge".
The exhibitions are al l intended to promote interest in Norwegian polar research, and in Norway as a polar nation. An aim is to create a measurable increase in interest in polar research among children and young people. The goal is to receive 20,000 visiting school pupils duri ng the exhibition period 2007-2010.
The presentation of IPY and communication of the research projects on climate change will primarily be through the use of photographs, text and video, as well as interactive presentations. The temporary exhibitions wil l be linked to the museum collections and supplemented with selected artefacts. In connection with the exhibitions there will also be events and lectures in the museum's auditorium.