The research aims at supporting learning communities in primary, through secondary and teacher education, to develop new knowledge on drama as a way of learning and on creative aesthetic teaching- and learning processes. International and national researc hers will work in networks together with school owners/teachers, to create learning communities on different levels.
The main focus for the international research is to look at how the concept of creativity in education is understood and further on impl emented in different educational national documents. On the national level the practical based research will study how drama as a way of learning, different dramaturgical and creative aesthetic learning strategies can strengthen the teaching- and learnin g process in various subjects to improve the students learning environment and learning outcome in terms of professional and social progress.
The theoretical approach is based on theory on creativity in education, pragmatist aesthetics, dramaturgy of tea ching and socio-cultural learning. The methodological approach is mainly based on classroom research, including interviews, observations, reflective dialogs, action based research and an experimental design.
The main R&D challenges is to create learning communities, to develop a culture for learning and creativity in the networking, taking into consideration that each one of the participants and informants may have different background and competence in relation to creative aesthetic teaching - and learn ing processes and practice-based research.
Interesting findings during the research, final results and teaching resources will be presented in the project's website, at conferences, workshops, and in national and international journals. The findings and teaching resources should be of interest for all interested in improving primary and secondary school and teacher education: teachers, students, parents, school owners, teacher educators and politicians.