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MAMMOGRAFI-Evaluering av Mammografiprogr

Mammography screening in Norway. Evaluation of health effects

Tildelt: kr 1,4 mill.

Dette prosjektet inngår i evaluerinen av det norske mammografi-programmet. Hovedhensikten med dette prosjektet er å undersøke om mammografi-screeningen har påvirket dødeligheten av brystkreft i Norge. Forsker Harald Weedon-Fekjær har vært finansiert av midler fra NFR for å gjøre dette arbeidet sammen med prosjektleder Lars Vatten. Analysene er nå ferdigstilt og foreligger i et utarbeidet manus som er publisert av det britiske tidsskriftet British Medical Journal.

This proposal describes 3 specific aims and briefly, how these aims are to be investigated: 1. Most importantly, we want to determine effects of mammography on breast cancer mortality by comparing women with different exposures to mammographic screening. 2. We will also assess changes in distributions of breast cancer by stage and size at diagnosis related to mammography; with particular emphasis on whether advanced disease is less prevalent after the introduction of mammography screening. To meet the se four aims we need to have access to data collected by the Norwegian Cancer Registry. 3. The third aim is to compare the Norwegian experience (trends in incidence, stage distribution and mortality) with that of other European countries. These analyses will be conducted in collaboration with the International Agency for Research on Cancer, which is WHO's cancer research institute.


MAMMOGRAFI-Evaluering av Mammografiprogr
