This overall aim of this project is to enhance our understanding of the oft-used but vague term "global governance". It does so by examining educational standardization as a governance tool. The main assumption underlying the project is that it is politic ally and economically relevant what key decision makers in international business learn and how they learn it. Prior research, for instance work on epistemic communities, makes the same assumption but tend to take the nature of expert knowledge for grante d. The project investigates how such knowledge is shaped by comparing a selection of Master of Business Administration (MBA) degrees in three countries; India, Great Britain and Norway. MBA degree holders are popular candidates for leading positions in bo th business and policy work, much because their general training gives them a ?universal? competence. The main hypothesis is that British, Indian and Norwegian degrees, like MBA degrees in general, are converging on a U.S standard. The standardization of the degrees, however, has multiple sources that may be independent of one another, and count financial contributors, rating agencies, accreditation bodies, intergovernmental organizations (exemplified by the Bologna process in the EU), and national govern ments. Through an approach that combines a sociological analysis of knowledge production, content analysis of curricula and accreditation standards, and in-depth interviews with teachers and accreditation agents, this project will make a significant contr ibution to our understanding of the effects of an increasingly streamlined international education.