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GROW 2009 - Graph Classes, Optimization, and Width Parameters

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The University of Bergen has been given the honor of organizing a conference for mathematicians and computer scientists engaged in cutting-edge research in the area of discrete optimization algorithms on graphs: GROW 2009 - 4th International Workshop on G raph Classes, Optimization, and Width Parameters. This will be a continuation of what has become a series of workshops, the previous three having taken place in Barcelona, Spain in 2001; Prague, Czech Republic in 2005; and Eugene, Oregon, USA in 2007. The workshop traditionally brings together researchers from all over Europe with researchers from USA. The conference will contribute to advancing knowledge and understanding of structural properties of graphs and how those can be exploited in the discovery of efficient algorithms to solve (optimally or approximately) important discrete optimization problems related to real-life problems. The three chairs of the program and organizing committee have documented experience and expertise in scientific research in the focal area of the mentioned workshop, as well as managing conferences and research efforts. The project manager has previously been the organizing chair of two international conferences in Bergen and an international winter school in Geilo, and ha s been a member of the organizing committee of a fourth international conference in Bergen. The algorithms group at the Department of Informatics, University of Bergen, is one of the leading research groups in Europe in the specialization field of the wo rkshop. However, algorithms research in Norway is highly concentrated in Bergen, and we hope that this event will help to promote this promising and fruitful field among other Norwegian researchers, as well as making Bergen and Norway even more visible in the international research arena. The project manager, Pinar Heggernes, being one of the few established female researchers of the field, will contribute to the visibility of women in computer science.

