The main motivating factor for this project is long-distance transport of liquid-dominated well-streams, including deep-water developments. Reliable predictions are important for determining minimum stable production and start-up procedures and for the de sign of slug catchers. There are special challenges with dynamic slugging in wells and with slug evolution in long undulating transport lines. Emulsification processes also need to be better understood and modelled.
IFE have collaborated with SPT Group i n the development of the OLGA technology, which represents the current state of the art. This technology is based on the best available physical models, as well as robust numerical solvers and a high-quality user interface. The proposed work aims for sign ificant advancement of the core physical models in several areas to improve the accuracy and reliability of simulations for field conditions.
The main sources of error in the predictions are inadequate models for complex phenomena such as slug formation and growth and phase transport in slugs. New knowledge will be generated through the analysis of the underlying physical systems to produce mechanistic models that capture the essence of the phenomena, have the correct scaling properties with respect to p ipe geometry, fluid properties and flow conditions, and are simple enough to allow rapid simulation of large scale pipeline systems. Additionally, we will combine existing computational techniques for interface capturing and bubble tracking to produce a h ybrid method that is suitable for analysis of partly dispersed and partly separated multiphase flows. Finally, we will carry out focused experiments to obtain detailed measurements that will both support and challenge the model development.
The project i ncorporates two proposed doctoral degrees. Doctoral student training is a significant part of the proposed work, and constitutes an important objective in its own right.