The project will be organised around the writing of a position paper on dualism of deliberative processes (50 pages) and the consequences of further research and political activities.
In the first part of the paper we will build upon existing documents a nd publications from the deliberative processes. The report will build upon material from the ongoing EU-project NANOPLAT and experiences from Germany, Denmark and Norway
To some degree we will carry out a limited number of interviews. The actual candidat es are Il the France in Paris and The Danish Technology Board in Copenhagen. We will invite to a seminar with the Danish Technology Board in Copenhagen, together with Institut für Ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung in Berlin. IÖW is responsible for the ana lysis of deliberative processes within NANOPLAT.
In the second part we will take initiative to a dialog between the natural sciences and the social sciences and arrange a seminar on the role of science in deliberative processes. Secondly we will carry ou t interviews with relevant industrial partners, in order to develop a platform for further research on ELSA related questions within the emerging consumer market.
The main dissemination will obvious be the position paper. We will also prepare an article on the dualism of deliberative processes for the Norwegian journal of Political Science (Norsk statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift.) In that process a draft paper will be presented at the Nordic Political Science Conference in 2010.