The theoretical framework for integration of biomonitoring into environmental risk assessment procedures was
developed by IRIS. Experimental data were obtained and used to demonstrate that the established framework can be a
possible approach to link the b iomonitoring with risk assessment. In order to make this approach operative the
present project aims to provide sufficient data to complete the links between biomonitoring and risk assessment,
and to develop practical procedures for its use.
In relation t o produced water discharges there is presently a lack of links between biomonitoring and risk
assessment methods. The major benefit of such links is that it enables judgement of water column monitoring
Integration of biomonitoring with risk assessment by construction of
biomarker bridges for water column organisms exposed to produced water
results in relation to expected values. This capability is of key importance for the environmental management of
produced water in the Norwegian sector, since the overa ll goal in our environmental regulation is expressed in
terms of (no harmful) effects. Further, it is a proactive requirement for operators to assess the environmental risks
and demonstrate that harmful effects are not likely to occur as a result of their operations.The aim of study biomonitoring approaches to use their in course "Environmental monitoring in oil and gas produced regions" of Norwegian-Russian project CPRU-2007/10003/20891 "Norwegian-Russian Master of Science Program "Geoecological monitori ng and nature management in the Northern oil and gas producing regions""
and as previous knowledge before summer practice field course. The second aim of it might - study biomonitoring approaches to bring relevant biomarker methods to terrestrial (and fre sh water) studies in Urengoy.