We apply for funding of the Arctic in Rapid Transition (ART) Initiation workshop. The ART initiation workshop will develop a full science and implementation plan to fulfil the task given the ICARP II Marine Roundtable on integrating, updating and developi ng priorities for Arctic marine science for the next decade. ART is a proposed integrated, multi-disciplinary, long-term pan-arctic program. It aims to study changes and feedbacks with respect to physical characteristics and biogeochemical cycles of the Arctic Ocean and its biological productive capacity and with respect to the atmospheric forcing. The ART plan is developed by early career scientists from the pan-Arctic community, and aims to compile competence and scientists across generations, discipli nes and national borders to identify and formulate future key questions for integrated research on Arctic Ocean systems. The ART initiation workshop is planned as a co-funded US-Norwegian initiative. Norwegian funding contribution supports Norwegian parti cipation, and integrates two ongoing Norwegian educational programs. The development of the ART science and implementation plan involves 1) The ART initiation workshop, and 2) the presentation of the plan at Arctic Science Summit Week on Greenland 2010.