The infrastructure includes an OBLO (Offshore Boundary Layer Observatory), a measurement facility for observation of environment, atmospheric and oceanic boundary layer conditions, and a FLEXWT (Floating Experimental Wind Turbine), a fully instrumented mo derate sized (~225 kW) floating offshore wind turbine for research purposes.
The motivation for the realisation of the proposed infrastructure is two-folded: 1) to underpin and enable research on wind energy as a resource and new technologies and concep ts, and 2) to enable industrial development and innovation through offering new and globally unique facilities for measurement, test, qualification and demonstration.
NOWERI will greatly enhance the basis for understanding and optimising the energy harve sting from offshore wind turbines, assess forces and design of offshore structures as well the potential impact of these installations on the environment. The infrastructure represents a globally unique platform for research, development and demonstration of new offshore wind technologies that will substantially strengthen Norway as a supplier of wind energy, technology and expertise. NOWERI will enable and underpin the development of Norwegian wind industry, which has been clearly expressed in the Letter s of Support (LoS) from major Norwegian industry clusters like ARENA NOW and ARENA Vindenergi, and major industrial companies like Statoil and GE.
The proposed infrastructure will be a very important stepping stone for research and innovation within offs hore wind energy and will advance the Norwegian development of offshore wind energy
to the scientific forefront. It will underpin and expand on existing research and technology development within this field, and attract attention also of scientists who wo uld otherwise work in other branches of the involved sciences.