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IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike

Multi-physics modeling of the aluminium DC casting process

Tildelt: kr 40 619

In aluminium processing, the industrial interest for the prediction and control of metallic alloys production is increasing worldwide. The present project is to launch a collaboration between SINTEF Materials and Chemistry, department of Metallurgy (Norwa y) and the Solidification group of the Department of Science and Engineering of Materials and Metallurgy of the Jean Lamour Institute (IJL-SI2M, France), directed towards innovations in the semi-continuous direct chill (DC) aluminium casting process. Sc ientific goals of the collaboration are to study macrosegregation (large scale chemical inhomogeneities) formation in DC casting of aluminium accounting for the effects of two phenomena occurring at quite different stages of solidification namely i) the e ffect of grain nucleation, growth and motion active in the early stages of solidification, and ii) the impact of mushy zone deformation on macrosegregation formation occurring towards the end of solidification at high fractions of solid. Outcome of the collaboration is the development of a highly advanced model of DC casting of aluminium using a physical image, more complete than ever before. As part of the collaboration, the partners plan to commonly train a PhD student (or post-doc) and publish their scientific results in international peer-reviewed journals.


IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike