Traditionally, biomedical research in Europe has been strong. Comparing the biomedical research budgets in the US to the EU, the output in publications and citations of European scientists is more than competitive. However, the transition from research di scovery to clinical product has not kept pace, primarily due to a separation of disciplines and a lack of communication between clinical and basic scientists, in addition to problems accessing the necessary development facilities. The European Advanced Tr anslational Research Infrastructure in Medicine (EATRIS) will enable Europe to fulfill its potential through:
-Accelerated, cost effective and timely development of new
therapeutics and diagnostics.
-Maximizing of Europe's innovative and competitive posit ion in the
global health market.
So far this kind of infrastructure has not been available in Europe.
It is a primary focus of the pre-project to develop a detailed construction plan for a Norwegian EATRIS Centre containing a scientific, technological an d physical description of Norwegian translational research resources, groups and environments
contributing to the infrastructure. Using a gap-analysis approach, the relevant participants will be surveyed based on existing infrastructures and capacities, c reating the necessary
background information for this plan. So far, a survey has been completed for the University of Oslo/Oslo University Hospitals identifying relevant centres of acknowledged research
excellence, unique platform technologies and exclusi ve combinations of facilities. A similar survey will be carried out for all participants of the National Consortium, and the analyses will also be used to reveal requirements for upgrades and/or new investments.