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Indigenous and Creole Subjects in Latin America. Homogenization, Negotiation and Subversion (16th.-18th. c.)

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Latin American studies in Norway have a predominant focus on contemporary issues and circumvent the study of the periods when these conflictive societies were generated (the Colonial Period) and above the moments in which Latin-Americas countries adquiere d the status of Modern Nations (Independence). In consequence, this project aims to complete this vision through the celebration of two international workshops in collaboration with the Pontifica Universidad Católica del Perú: The first one, in Norway, could bring a general state of the art and systematize the results of colonial and independence researches developed the last decades inside the frame of the postcolonial and transatlantic studies. The second one, in Peru, could allow problematizing these studies and exploring their new directions. The focus will be the study of discursive strategies and how a new intercultural discourse emerged in the New World in a concrete context of ethnic and social conflicts. This process was developed in different ways that we can reduce to three stages to concretize its study from a triple perspective: Homogenization (the Spaniard´s imposition on the various natives cultures), Negotiation (power and claim relations between Indians, creoles and Spaniards), Subvers ion (since indigenous protests underlined in different types of cultural documents and art until the rebellion with arms). The project is framed in the area of Culture an Society (The Work Programme for the new Research Programme on Latin America, NFR, 2 008), and is going to explore many of the items described there: Ethnicity, race, gender and class; Identities, cultural heritages and collective memories; Migration, borders and transnationalisation; Popular culture and cultural production; Political and institutional cultures; and Religion.

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