The main goal of this project is to study the metabolism of thermophilic archaea by the analysis of its complete genome. The main object of the research will be a thermophilic archaea Fervidicoccus fontis isolated by Dr. Perevalova from hot spring of Kamc hatka (Perevalova et al., 2010). F. fontis is the first cultivated representative of a deep-branching phylogenetic group in the phylum Crenarchaeota. Widely distributed in terrestrial hot springs of Yellowstone National Park, Iceland and Kamchatka (Pereva lova et al., 2008), representatives of Fervidicoccus group are likely to perform anaerobic degradation of diverse polymeric substrates (Kublanov, Perevalova et al., 2009). Complete genome of F. fontis was sequenced in the Bioengineering Center, Russian Ac ademy of Sciences. In the course of this project we are going to study the molecular basis for protein degradation and hydrogen production capabilities of F. fontis. The research provides both applied and basic science advantages. To capitalize on these o pportunities an investigation with following specific objectives is proposed.
(1) Annotation of Fervidicoccus fontis genome and developing maps for metabolic capabilities of this microorganism. A special focus will be on identifying the genes that provid e the protein degradation and hydrogen production capabilities of F. fontis;
(2) Carrying out protease and hydrogenase activity assays to validate the proteolytic and H2 production abilities of F. fontis and a characterization of the basic conditions (o ptimum pH, temperature and salt requirements) for their activities;
(3) Obtaining of partially purified forms of the proteases and characterization of their activities;