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BEHANDLING-God og treffsikker diagnostikk, behandling og rehabilitering

How do genetic, clinical and treatment factors affect outcome in severe mental disorders?

Tildelt: kr 2,4 mill.

Målet med prosjektet er å finne virksom behandling for alvorlige psykiske lidelser og identifisere risikofaktorer for sykdom. Dette er gjort ved å integrere pågående norske studier innen schizofreni og bipolar lidelse. Prosjektet er basert på et samarbeid mellom alle helseregioner i Norge, og inkluderer kliniske og genetiske forskningsspørsmål. Vi har gjort ferdig datainnsamling, og arbeidet med analyse av data. Intervensjonsstudiene er ferdig med inklusjon av pasienter. Vi har gjennomført storskala-analyser av genetiske faktorer fra sentral analysegruppe. Vi har siste år jobbet mye med rapportering av publisering av resultater. Partnerne i prosjektet har publisert en serie med forskningsrapporter som er basert på personer og data involvert i prosjektet.


Schizophrenia (SCZ) and bipolar disorder (BIP) are recognized as globally leading causes of morbidity. However, the disease mechanisms are still unknown, and the treatment needs to be improved. The disorders are regarded as complex genetic but most of the high heritability is not yet explained. The overall aim of the current project is to identify patient and treatment determinants of outcome in severe mental disorders trough integrating ongoing Norwegian research initiatives in SCZ and BIP. We will do this with a translational approach, comprising clinical and genetic sub-projects, in close collaboration with all health regions in Norway. It is based on the strongest national research groups in this field who are already participating in several nation al collaborations together with international partners. We will include patients receiving standardized treatment in the Norwegian health care system, and follow the patients over time, integrated with RCT intervention trials, which will provide an enormo us repository and database for future studies. We will take advantage of our established collaborative networks and existing cohort, where all participants are assessed with the same clinical, cognitive, biochemical and imaging protocols based on current state-of-the-art methods. We will expand the common clinical protocol with diagnostic instruments easier to use in clinical settings (1), study the effect of treatment delays on the early course and outcome in BIP (2), and the mechanism underlying metab olic disturbances associated with antipsychotics (3) and the use of cognitive behavior therapy to counter sleep disturbances and thus new episodes in BIP (4), and finally we will combine all collected DNA and clinical information, for large scale search o f the hidden heritability (5). In addition to novel new knowledge, the present project will strengthen the newly established national collaborative network and psychiatric research in each health region.

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BEHANDLING-God og treffsikker diagnostikk, behandling og rehabilitering