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HACOSE - Multitemporal analysis of High Arctic Coastal Systems Evolution - Braganzavågen and Bjonapynten, Svalbard.

Tildelt: kr 0,31 mill.

Proposed Yggdrasil scholarship creates an opportunity to shape the future of coastal research on Svalbard by training young researcher (Matt Strzelecki) in the leading Norwegian polar institution - University Centre in Svalbard and pursuing study along re presentative High Arctic coastal environments. Project will significantly mend our understanding of the functioning of polar coast environments under warming conditions. Investigations designed for our project will also improve the accuracy of High Arctic sea-level change reconstructions and serve as basis for the predictions of coast evolution, what is of great importance due to predicated intensified influence of extreme processes on Arctic coastal zone. The study will utilise a combination of state-o f-art field and laboratory techniques. We propose a two phased approach to this study. Firstly, we will investigate estuarine environment in Braganzavågen in Van Mijenfjorden and focus on contemporary processes controlling the geomorphology of High Arcti c tidal flat and barrier environment. This work will build on previous research on tidal sediments carried by Prof. Jensen (UNIS) in years 2010-11. Second phase will concentrate on uplifted beach ridges at Bjonapynten in Tempelfjorden to develop a new app roach in radiocarbon dating of Holocene coastal deposits. Work will rest on preliminary work in northern Billefjorden undertaken in 2010 by Prof. Antony Long and Matt Strzelecki (Durham University). The fundamental aims of the impact plan for Yggdrasil r esearch stay are: + publication of at least two research paper in high-impact journals + collect new set of marine shells to improve the radiocarbon dating approach of Arctic uplifted beach ridges + delivery of results at international conferences to pre sent key findings to scientific community +forming an international team which will work on grant proposals for larger research projects based on developments from the present project.

