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GLOBVAC-Global helse- og vaksinasjonsforskn.

Young scientist grant for Katerini T. Storeng: Advocacy and policy change for health equity in low-income countries

Tildelt: kr 3,5 mill.

GLOBVACs Unge Forskere-stipend har støttet karriereutviklingen til Katerini T. Storeng. Storeng er medisinsk antropolog med PhD fra London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine i Storbritannia, med interesse for global helsepolitikk og praksis. Stipendet støttet hennes deltakelse i forskjellige internasjonale forskningsprosjekter med overordnet fokus på hvordan man kan fremme rettferdighet og bekjempe helseforskjeller gjennom «advocacy» og helsepolitikk, særlig i lavinntektsland. Gjennom etnografiske metoder og policy-analyse, utforsket hun hvordan bistandsorganisasjoner, internasjonale NGOer og globale sivilsamfunnsorganisasjoner påvirker utformingen av helsepolitikk globalt, og i en rekke land i Afrika og Asia. Prosjektet resulterte i fagartikler i en rekke ledende internasjonale tidsskrift, og har også blitt formidlet til brukere og gjennom populærvitenskapelige artikler og medieinnlegg. Stipendet bidro til at Storeng i 2018 ble ansatt som førsteamanuensis ved Universitet i Oslos Senter for utvikling og miljø, hvor hun leder en tverrfaglig forskergruppe som utfører samfunnsvitenskapelig forskning på global helsepolitikk. Se engelsk sammendrag for flere detaljer

Major outcomes of the Young Scientist Grant include new international research collaborations within social scientific studies of global health policy, and the recipient, Katerini Storeng's, appointment at the end of the grant period as Associate Professor at the Centre for Development and the Environment, University of Oslo and Honorary Associate Professor at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. The various research projects Storeng has participated in as a Grant recipient make a strong contribution to the social scientific study of global health policy and practice, challenging conventional understandings about the international NGOs and donor agencies play in the pursuit of health equity. An unanticipated benefit of the research has been to raise debate about the ethical and political challenges of conducting donor-funded global health research, including through Storeng's 2019 Viewpoint in The Lancet, which attracted the attention of the media and of policy-makers.

The Young Scientist Grant will build the applicant's capacity within health systems and policy research in low-income countries. This will be achieved through inter-related research activities and a year-long research visit to the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. The main research project will be an ethnographic study of global civil society action on health equity, with a case study of the People's Health Movement (PHM). The overall aims of this project are: (1) To describe and analyse the P HM's action on health equity, including its use of rights-based and social determinants of health approaches; (2) To conduct a qualitative process evaluation of the impact of these activities on global health policy and discourse; and (3) To explore PHM's efforts to support national health equity campaigns in Burkina Faso. The applicant will be independently responsible for implementation of the project, supported by the Centre for Development and Environment at the University of Oslo and partners in Burk ina Faso. In addition, the applicant will participate in two ongoing research programmes led by leading international research consortia. The first, FEMHealth (funded by the European Commission) aims to assess the impact of reduction in user fees on mater nal health in Burkina Faso, Benin, Mali and Morocco, which have all recently introduced national policies to reduce financial barriers for delivery care. The applicant will contribute to a work package focusing on understanding what drives policy change. The second, EVA-PMUD, is funded by the UK Department for International Development and will evaluate an intervention to prevent maternal death from unwanted pregnancy in Africa and Asia. The applicant will design and coordinate a cross-country process eva luation of the intervention's policy and advocacy work in Nigeria, Malawi and South Sudan. Together, these research activities will enhance knowledge on, and efforts to improve, global health equity.

Publikasjoner hentet fra Cristin


GLOBVAC-Global helse- og vaksinasjonsforskn.