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MAROFF-2-Maritim virksomhet og offshore operasjoner 2

Fast Air Supported Carbon Composite Offshore Support Vessel

Tildelt: kr 2,3 mill.

The mono hull design will be based on construction in carbon composite with a proposed new variant of the Air Support Vessel (ASV) technology developed by Effect Ships International AS (ESI). Low construction weight due to carbon fiber sandwich constructi on will contribute to reduced energy requirement to overcome the hull/water resistance. Adding ASV technology will give the vessel a new dimension in terms of payload, economy in operation and performance. The vessel will need very good sea keeping capabi lities. The new ASV OSV concept will include complete construction drawings, General Arrangement (GA) plan and technical specification. A typically fast OSV operates in the 20-40 knots speed range. Assessments available on ASV efficiency conclude best ec onomical results can be achieved in the same speed range. The probability of success with a well thought out ASV product therefore seems excellent. The project has calculated that one 45 meter fast OSV can potentially save NOK 4 500 000 per year in fuel c ost compared to present SOA vessel built in steel or aluminum; and in addition contribute to bringing the emissions to water and air well down. A competitive and sustainable economical maritime industry is important for Europe and the project is of the o pinion this vision can only be achieved through innovation and combining best solutions available. The project feasibility- and design innovative program will directly involve companies from Denmark and Norway. The building of these research & development (R&D) clusters will improve the growth within European markets, it will inspire other to create similar cooperation?s and ultimately compete with external companies outside EU. According to plan; the final design product will be patented in a large numb er of countries to protect the intellectual property rights (IPR) of the technology and solutions.


MAROFF-2-Maritim virksomhet og offshore operasjoner 2