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FRIHUMSAM-Fri prosj.st. hum og sam

Between cloister and papacy: The impact of bridal imagery on power relations in Western Europe, 1100-1400.

Tildelt: kr 3,3 mill.

Prosjektet belyser hvordan og hvorfor pavesetet brukte metaforen «Kristi brud» som et politisk og retorisk instrument i maktkampene i senmiddelalderen. Med utgangspunkt i tekster av bl.a. pave Innocens III, Helinand av Froidmont, Augustinus av Ancona og K onrad av Megenberg viser prosjektet hvordan brudemetaforikken, med sine underliggende konsepter om kjønnshierarki, familiehierarki, fruktbarhet og reproduksjon, kunne etablere maktforhold og forhandle politisk autoritet. Prosjektet bruker Mark Turners teo ri om kognitive prosesser og kognitiv distribusjon for å analysere de ideologiske føringene som dette billedspråket la både på utformingen av ekteskapsinstitusjonen og på fortolkningen og legitimeringen av politisk makt i Europa.

The project engages in both a theoretical and a specific analysis of the impact of metaphor. It will analyse how and why a specific metaphor - the bride of Christ - emerged from the world of theological texts in the later medieval period to shape central aspects of the social, ideological, and institutional development in Western Europe. As bridal imagery moved between the ideological hothouse of the cloister and the political and pragmatic arena of the reform papacy, it engendered complex ideological mod els that established and negotiated both the institution of marriage and structures of political hierarchies in Western Europe. The project interrogates in what ways ideological and cognitive underpinnings related to body and gender helped shape construct ions of authority and power relations. In a broader and theoretical sense it deals with cognitive constraints on the social propagation of meaning. The project applies cognitive theory which is supported and supplemented by gender theory for a multidisci plinary enquiry into the following research questions: How did bridal imagery construct notions of celibacy as marriage, and what ideological and political functions did these constructions entail? How did bridal imagery construct a model for distributing power/hierarchies? How was this model enacted, embodied, and propagated? The source material analysed in the project includes sermons, treatises, letters, ceremonial books, in addition to lay literature and visual representations. Furthermore, the proje ct will profit from an established network of scholars with relevant expertise to address wider issues of ideological processing, political-institutional processes (hierarchies, authority), social-cultural processes (marriage, gender, etc.), and cognitive processes and cognitive distribution.

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FRIHUMSAM-Fri prosj.st. hum og sam
