Marine biodiversity is fundamental to support marine ecosystem function and also supports economically important activities in Norway (e.g. fisheries and aquaculture). Multiple pressures are exerted on the marine ecosystem that thereby affect the status of marine biodiversity and impact human welfare, (e.g. the effect of Non Indigenous Species, eutrophication and the effect of fisheries harvesting). Furthermore, marine biodiversity is also subject to global drivers, such as increase temperatures and decr ease pH from climate change. Knowledge derived from the project will support integrated ecosystem-based management of the oceans and coastal areas, in accordance with Norwegian policy, e.g. the Marine Resources Act of Norway (2009), and further inform th e North Sea management plan, The project will develop functional and cost effective marine biodiversity indicators and tools for the assessment of environme ntal status and ecological status, which are necessary for the implementation by Norway of OSPAR and the WFD in coastal waters. Such environmental quality measures and indicators are necessary to enable a precautionary principle for sustainable ecosystem management of marine resources. The project will also explore eco-innovation solutions such as the co-benefits of aquaculture further down the food chain, (e.g. of filter-feeding bivalves for the production of food, aquaculture feed and mitigation of eutr ophication).