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MAROFF-2-Maritim virksomhet og offsh-2

RISKOP Risk in Offshore Operations

Tildelt: kr 8,0 mill.




2013 - 2017


1. Innsendte artikler; Idar Johannessen and Helen Sampson, Turning on The Tap: The benefits of using real-life vignettes in qualitative research interviews. Qualitative Research. Innsendt juli 2017. Jan R. Jonassen and Erik Hollnagel: Leading and performing good operations. Innsendt WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs (JoMA) 24. januar 2018. Sturle Tvedt, Guro Persdotter Fjeld, Roar Espevik og Helle Oltedal har på ny sendt inn artikkelen, nå til: Can you teach an old seadog new tricks? Experimental evaluation of BRM training in the commercial fleet, til WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs (JoMA). Fjeld, G. & Tvedt, S. (2018), How Does Maritime Bridge Officers Undergoing BRM Training Understand Non-Technical Skills? Manus snarling klar for innsending til WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs (JoMA), februar 2018. Erik Mygind du Plessis & Bjarne Vandeskog: Other stories of Resilient Safety Management in the Norwegian Offshore Sector: Resilience Engineering, Ceremonial Bullshit and the De-politicization of Danger. Manuscript in preparation (title may change) for soon submitting, February 2018. 2. Publiserte artikler i publikasjoner; Bjarne Vandeskog: Arbeidslag-spillets estetikk og evnen til å forutse. Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift, vol. 27, nr. 3-4, s. 226-245, 2016 Universitetsforlaget, ISSN 0802-7285. Ikke rapportert før: Bjarne Vandeskog (2016), Kulturforståelse og etikk (kapittel 6) i læreboken: Fartøyledelse og kontroll av skipets drift; Odd jarl Borch (red.), side 170 ? 206, Fagbokforlaget. ISBN 9788245020908. 3. Publiserte artikler i antologi/proceedings Lene Jørgensen publiserte sin PhD avhandling: The appeal, use and effects of the risk matrix: Risk communication in an inter-organizational project, PhD Thesis UiS no. 353 - August 2017. 11. Utdanning, oppplæring, læring Lene Jørgensen disputerte 25. august 2017 og ble godkjent. 12. Populærvitenskapelig informasjon: Jan R. Jonassen publiserte artikkel i Skipsrevyen, September 2017: Sikkerheten: Mister vi vårt konkurransefortrinn? 13. Rapporter Avleverte til partnere: Jan R. Jonassen: Risiko og sikkerhet i ankerhåndteringsoperasjoner; Hva er de viktigste risikofaktorer i slike operasjoner og hvordan oppdage dem, juni 2017.Tenkt brukt til opplæring i partnerselskapene og i bachelorutdanningen ved HVL. Idar A. Johannessen: A subsea Operation in Action; A brief overview of how IMR operations are organized and executed, December 2017.Tenkt brukt til opplæring i partnerselskapene og i bachelorutdanningen ved HVL.

The RISKOP project will target the identification and management of risk factors in IMR (Inspection, maintenance and repair of subsea installations) operations, anchor handling and lifting operations offshore. Such operations carry potentials for both maj or and minor accidents. The project will study both types of accidents but the main focus will be to study everyday activities, behaviour and decisions that contribute to a successful operation. Our partners represent companies covering the total chain of activities within the actual operations; oil companies, drilling company, offshore shipping companies, training and course providers, simulator centre and producer. Our researhers comes from highly recognised Norwegian, European and American Universi ties and are personally highly recognised. The team cover several expertieses. The 20 researchers represent in total 286 research years of experience, have produced 554 articles and have a total of 432 years of experience. The project consists of five wo rk packages, with the first three covering the three types of operations, number four will study the relations between vessels/rig and shore offices and the impact of risk factors. The fifth WP will study and design the most efficient and effective traini ng programs to be tested in simlulators, in the company training programs and the maritime, tecnical and management education at the University College (HSH). We will use a combination of observational methods and in-dept interviews combined with focus g roup discussions onboard and onshore to develop the understanding of risk factors and how they are managed. This will be supplemented by quantitative questionnaires to map especially the relations between sea and shore. We will develop a design for onboa rd discussions and learning from identified risk factors and situations and effective ways to familiarise the crew to awareness. The project will cover a period of four years and be managed by HSH.

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MAROFF-2-Maritim virksomhet og offsh-2