Together with Dr Diana Zacharias, LL.M., from the Max-Planck-Institue for Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg, I shall be the editor of the book project "The Protection of Legitimate Expectations under Administrative Law. A Comparat ive Study", to be published at Hart Publishing (Oxford) or Springer International (Heidelberg).
This book is a result of a comparative research project, including quite a successfull workshop-conference, held at the University of Bergen in October 2012, with important funding of the E.ON Ruhrgas Foundation, project number 219217, (see the attached additional information). The book will contain articles about the historical, methodological and constitutional foundations, 16 country reports, articles abou t the situation in European and in International Law as well as a comparative analysis.
We will have to review the articles to be delivered by the end of the year 2012, give advice to the yet 23 external authors from all over Europe, edit the articles u nder formal and substantive perspectives and write an introduction and especially a final comparative analysis on the basis of the country reports.
During these final works we do need to have an intensive contact going beyond telephone calls and emails.
Therefore, I would like to apply for a personal mobility grant to visit my research partner Dr. Diana Zacharias, LL.M. in Heidelberg, so that we can discuss our findings, improve our insights in the various administrative law systems, sharpen the view f or the differences and the various perspectives and, of course, make use of the excellent library of the Heidelberg Max-Planck-Institute.