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VAM-Velferd, arbeid og migrasjon

Nordic Ruralities - Thriving and declining ruralities

Tildelt: kr 99 999

Konferansen arrangeres 12.-14. mai 2014 i Trondheim, Nova konferansesenter. Det beregnes 170 deltagere. Konferansen er planlagt som en kombinasjon av plenumsforedrag og 15-20 parallelle sesjoner. Parallelle sesjoner er mindre tematiske grupper som ledes a v forskere, og her presenteres og diskuteres egne paper. Planlagt konferanseprogram: Dag 1: Registering og velkommen, 2 plenumsforedrag, lunsj, parallelle sesjoner under 4 hovedtemaer, evt mottagelse på kvelden Dag 2: Parallelle sesjoner, lunsj, parallel le sesjoner. Middag. Dag 3: Parallelle sesjoner, 2 plenumsforedrag, avslutning, lunsj. Plenumsforedrag: Halvard Vike,UiO;Annette Aa.Thuesen Syddansk Univ;Edward Huijbens Icelandic TRC, Susanne Stenbacka Uppsala Univ. Fra konferanseinvitasjonen: The conf erence builds on the experience of the first conferences by developing the focus on the social challenges and policy issues currently confronting Nordic rural areas. Thriving and declining ommunities refers to how rural areas and communities in Nordic reg ions are experiencing different development patterns depending on e.g. national and regional policies, geographical locations, and differences in welfare policies. In particular, the resilience of local areas to the withdrawal of the welfare state tends t o differ widely across geographical regions. We encourage debate on the role of Nordic welfare states in rural issues. Research on welfare in rural places may be grounded in broad definitions of welfare, encompassing overarching welfare and workfare agend as, or in more specific welfare policy areas such as anti-poverty, health, housing,social security, social work and education. Throughout the last decades,Nordic welfare states have become more diverse and have been given new dimensions through in-migrati on. The Scandinavian welfare state developed towards social and civil rights and the Nordic model became an internationally known concept. How is that legacy played out today in the diverse rural contexts?


VAM-Velferd, arbeid og migrasjon