The application concerns an investigation of the Caledonian basement of Prins Karls Forland with a particular focus on high-grade metamorphic rocks (the Pinkie Formation). This project is a part of a PhD thesis, which focuses on the Svalbard's Southwester n and Northwestern Caledonian Basement Provinces. The main aim of this thesis is to decipher Meso-Neoproterozoic and Early Paleozoic evolution of this basement, based on studies at different localities along the west coast of Svalbard where high-grade met amorphic rocks occur.
This project will contribute to the Norwegian Polar Institute "Geological mapping programme for Svalbard" (RiS ID: 2403) with dr. Winfried Dallmann as a project leader.
In the frame of the project, detailed sampling and mapping of di fferent high-grade metamorphic lithologies of the Pinkie Formation, including amphibolites with garnets and garnet-bearing schists, is planned. Petrological and geochronological studies have not been done so far. The main scope is to relate the pressure-t emperature-time (P-T-t) history of the Pinkie Formation to the other high-grade localities along western coast of Svalbard. All these results will bear important implications for interpretations of the Svalbard?s Caledonides and in wider perspective for t he reconstructions of the Caledonian orogeny.