Forskerskolen NORBIS støtter doktorgrads-utdanning i hele Norge innen områdene bioinformatikk, biostatistikk og systembiologi. Skolen er et samarbeid mellom åtte norske universitet. Bioinformatikk, biostatistikk og systembiologi spiller viktige roller i forskning innen livsvitenskap, og har også viktige anvendelser innen industri og forvaltning. Skolen har fokus på metodologi, og har som mål at studentene får dybde-forståelse av metoder og teoretiske aspekt innen feltene som dekkes. Vi gir også studentene en forståelse av anvendelsesområder, og om hvordan metoder kan bli brukt i reelle prosjekt. Skolen har siden prosjektstart utviklet en katalog bestående av tilsammen 18 kurs, og har som mål å tilby hvert av disse hvert annet år. Skolen har videre organisert en rekke workshops, reisestipend til studenter på utveksling, en årlig sommerskole og har en årlig konferanse. Skolen tar i snitt opp 40 studenter i året, og har per i dag 231 studenter.
Bioinformatics, biostatistics, and systems biology are fields of central importance for modern life science research. According to the evaluation of research in the bio-sciences in Norway, performed in 2011, Norway has under-invested in these fields. Here we propose to establish a national research school covering these fields - with participation from 8 Norwegian universities with activities in these fields. The school will focus on methods and methodology rather than applications and use of tools, and it will have approximately equal weight within bioinformatics and biostatistics and at least initially a smaller systems biology component. Together the involved groups will be able to offer a program including courses with sufficient both width and depth to make up a high-quality PhD education across these fields. The national school will benefit from expertise spread over the involved institutions and also contribute to strengthening the collaboration and coordination between the research groups involved. We propose to construct a portfolio of at least 10 courses, each being offered every two years. In addition, the school will organize workshops, summer schools, annual school meetings, organize a visitor and exchange program, and have activities directed toward the industry and government. The school will have a director and a co-director from the fields of bioinformatics and biostatistics, respectively. A coordinator will be employed at the host institution in a 100% position and have a central role in the day-to-day running of the school. The board of the school will set the priorities and for example decide on the course program to be offered.