NIVA are planning to host a joint EurAqua (European Network of Freshwater Research Organisations) and WssTP Working Group for Ecosystem Services (European Technology Platform for Water initiated by the European Commission) workshop in Oslo, 18th-19th November this year. The topic of the workshop will be "Water ecosystem services (ESS) -increasing the Relevancy of the concept of operational management on various scales." Target groups for the workshop would be both ESS knowledge providers (scientists, consultants) and ESS knowledge users (Competent Authorities, policy-makers etc.). Approaches to assess and evaluate the value of these services have been developed and there has been demonstration of how the tools could benefit operational water management. Still, it has not yet been fully incorporated in important European key regulative frameworks. The workshop is mainly aimed at investigating how the water-related ecosystem services approach can help reach WFD and Floods Directive objectives as well as contributing to climate transition and how payment for ecosystem services can contribute to maintain or increase the value of the aquatic ecosystem services. However, the variety of problems that could potentially be addressed and the range of spatial scales at which they can be tackled, call for a diversity of tools and methods to highlight the interdependence between nature and human societies. To identify, classify and evaluate such tools and their use could be of great operational value for managers and stakeholders. There will be allocated time for facilitated discussions about how to increase the relevance of the water-related ecosystem services for operational management based on the given presentations. This will further feed into discussions about future research needs and H2020 & JPI Water calls 2015. We aim for a social, interactive and discussion oriented workshop that provides different perspectives on the use of ESS, based on various experiences.