Gjennom deltagelse i IEA's Hydrogen Implementing Agreement (HIA) Task 36 knyttet til livsløpsanalyse (LCA) av hydrogen systemer har IFE tilgang til et internasjonalt nettverk med kompetanse innen LCA og hydrogen energisystemer. Dette bidrar til at vi kan videreutvikle våre energisystemmodeller slik at de også tar hensyn til livsløpbetraktninger, f.eks ved impelmentering av nye teknologier. IFE leder subtask D med ansvar for å samarbeide med både modellerere og analytikere i IEA i Paris. Dette innebærer blant annet review av World Energy Outlook og Energy Technology Perspectives.
The project includes the following:
The project will be focused on the following tasks:
a) Addressing environmental challenges in LCA of hydrogen energy systems
b) Economic analysis of hydrogen energy systems
c) Social indicators for the assessment of hydrogen energy systems and integrative approaches for LCSA
d) Collaboration with IEA HQ Analytics
IFE is interested in participating in Task 36 in order to increase the basis of knowledge both in hydrogen systems and LCA methodologies, and to be able to continue the cooperation with IEA.
1. IFE will be involved in the establishment of the new task, with an activity of including new members to join, and to set up a plan for dialogue with the IEA.
2. IFE will work with research partners in Task 36 project on the integration of LCA methods (LCA, LCSA, LCC, SLCA) and energy optimisation models (TIAM, TIMES-Norway, TIMES-Oslo, etc.).
3. Workshops will be held in relation to the purpose of Task 36:
IFE will participate in the workshops, and will present experience from Norwegian modelling and analysis.
We apply for funding from 01/11/2014, as a first workshop for planning the task will be arranged in the beginning of November.