Nor-BioImaging is a consortium for infrastructure within biomolecular and biomedical imaging established on the basis of a mandate approved by all universities and university hospitals in Norway that also have appointed members for a steering committee. Through establishing a national program for infrastructure, the consortium is now the interacting body towards Euro-BioImaging which is now in the Interim Phase. On a daily basis Nor-BioImaging is managed by a steering group consisting of Professors Ole M. Sejersted (UiO/OUS), Oddmund Bakke (UiO), Olav Haraldseth (NTNU/St. Olavs Hospital) and Frits Thorsen (UiB).
As it was stated during the establishment of the consortium; it is of critical importance that Nor-BioImaging is a part of the Euro-BioImaging infrastructure. From point of establishment, considerable investments have been made through Nor-BioImaging to integrate Norway as a partner in the ESFRI Euro-BioImaging infrastructure. In 2014, Norway signed the Memorandum of Understanding, a declaration of intent ensuring that Norway is to take the necessary steps to implement the Euro-BioImaging infrastructure. The letter secured Norway three seats at the Interim Board, the decision-making body of the infrastructure towards construction.
Two research nodes in Norway, one molecular imaging node (NORMOLIM) and one advanced microscopy node (NALMIN) responded to the first open call for trans-national nodes. The Expression of Interests was favorably ranked by the independent evaluation board as Recommended Expression of Interest for Euro-BioImaging, and formalized the intent of the high-impact research infrastructures in Norway to become fully participating nodes in Euro-BioImaging. As a result of the evaluation, and with the commitment made by the Norwegian government through the memorandum, both nodes will be nominated as nodes to Euro-BioImaging.
Continued participation from Nor-BioImaging will ensure Norway's obligations to the ESFRI infrastructure is met.