Prosjektet utviklet, testet og initiere kommersialiseringen av en IKT-løsning som inkluderer:
- sensorer som inngår i UpTech-smarthomeløsningen (italiensk partner Automa S.r.l.);
- sensorer og funksjoner som inngår i DomoCare-løsningen (sveitsisk partner DomoSafety S.A.);
- innsamling av longitudinal sensordata;
- algortimer for behandling og tolkning av sensordata;
- kunnskapsweb om demensinformasjon til pårørende;
- app for pårørendevarsling og presentasjon av sensordata.
Formålet var ved hjelp av sensordata å oppdage og skille mellom vanlige og avvikende dagliglivets aktiviteter hos brukeren (person med hukommelsesproblemer eller demens). Avvikende aktiviteter genererer en varsel eller en alarm til pårørende eller tjenesteytere slik at de kan å intervenere. Karde hadde en viktig rolle i utforming av appen samt programmering av den i samarbeid med Kardes underleverandør i prosjektet Ulster University.
Informasjonen om avvik kan også brukes for å utforme kognitive øvelser eller trivselsfremmede aktiviteter for primærbrukere, noe som ble gjort eksperimentelt i prosjektet. Vaksdal kommune i Norge var Kardes utprøvingspartner i prosjektet.
The concrete outcomes of the project are:
- Two different sensor-platforms with integrated sensors (movement, door and bed).
- A database solution for collecting sensor data from all trial sites.
- Algorithms for analysing longitudinal sensor data and creating models for normal/abnormal behaviour (system learning).
- A knowledge web solution that is publicuy avilable on
- An app for caregivers for presentation of sensor data and alerts/alarms.
- A rule "engine" for configuration of alerts and alarms.
- Experiences from the trials (see below) for technical improvements and commercialisation efforts after the project end.
- Experiences from initiating cognitive exercises when the patient is too inactive or shows signs to confusion (based on sensor data).
- Rich dissemination especially by university/research partners
The project will develop, test and bring to the market an innovative ICT solution, the so-called Home4Dem solution, which will include:
- all the sensors already used by the Up-Tech solution;
- all the functions already available in the DomoCare solution;
- additional sensors, such as the emergency button, new automatic lights, humidity and temperature alerts, anti-theft alarms, sensing vibration and other functionalities like rinsing water developed at the iHomeLab. Their purpose is to help in detecting and to differentiate activities of daily living. The platform is targeted to be open and adaptable. The platform is developed in a way that those sensors can be exchanged, removed or added and thus it can be adapted for most use cases.
The sensors are optimized for low power usage. It is targeted to run for about two years without the need to exchange the battery. Different designs are evaluated to adapt the needs in carrying or fixing the node. Also the usability of the sensor node is a central goal. It has to be easily mounted and used without or only few and simple actions required by the user.
- A new kinect-based depth-analysis function, which can provide more accurate information regarding activities such as:
-- food intake by the person in the house;
-- adherence to drug prescriptions;
-- current ability of the person to carry out the Activities of Daily Living (ADL) and the Instrumental ADL (see the promising work by Mulin and colleagues );
-- falls or other home accidents.
-A prevention-oriented smart behavior analysis algorithm which will interact with the users of the ICT solution, providing real-time feedback regarding ongoing risk and/or other relevant events in the home (medicine reminder, lifestyle recommendation - e.g. reminder in case of low physical activity etc.).
AAL-Active and Assisted Living Research and Development Programme