Pollutants in the form of gases and particles from ocean-going ships are important contributors to global atmospheric emissions. CO2, NOX and SOX emissions due to shipping are estimated, respectively, to constitute about 3%, 10-15% and 4-9% of the global emissions arising from human activity. Since International Maritime Organization (IMO) and European Union (EU) are developing regulations to limit air emissions from ships, the changes in the political framework make the development, demonstration and implementation of emission-reduction measures for ships imperative.
Norway is committed to meet (EUs) target for climate control, which aims to significantly reduce CO2, SOX and NOX emissions from ships. Since 2011, the Norwegian Climate politics Meld. St. 21 (2011-2012) "Norsk klimapolitikk" started to send strong signals and recommendations towards the reduction of the Norwegian emission e.g.
..."cargo to be moved from road to sea"...
..."to change from fossil fuel to zero emission fuel"...
..."use regulations (tax, R&D, support regimes, etc.) to assist this change"...
These national expectations/requirements are targeted through the ZeroMaritime FME initiative where the results shall contribute to fulfilling these expectations. By having this in mind, ZeroMaritime will aim towards an energy change from today's mainly-fossil to a future mainly-renewable energy regime. Thus, a two-pronged approach is required:
- Reduce the use of fossil energy with today's technology.
- Develop and implement new systems and technology based on zero emission energy.
Through this focus, ZeroMaritime shall be in forefront of developing solutions and technology that can be made available to meet future IMO demands and regulations in a cost-effective and proactive manner.