Nettverket vil danne grunnlaget for fremtidig samarbeid innen CO2 lagring og petroleums geologi/geofysikk mellom de to universitetene (Universitetet i Pretoria og Universitetet i Oslo), samt andre nøkkelspillere f.eks. SACCCS i SørAfrika. Vår plan er at samarbeidet på sikt kan utvikle seg til felles master og PhD prosjekter ved begge universitetene, hvilket kan knytte ytterligere bånd mellom studenter og forskere fra de to universitetene. Dette kan bli et nettverk for fremtiden.
Det er mange felles faglige, tekniske nøkkelspørsmål innen geologi og geofysikk når det gjelder analyser av sedimentbasseng med hensyn på CO2 lagring, petroleums geologi&geofysikk, og hydrologi. På denne bakgrunnen er to ukelange, årlige seminar (7-10 dager i februar-mars og september-oktober) planlagt ved Universitetet i Pretoria i perioden 2016 og 2017.
This network initiative will form the base for future cooperation within the fields of CO2 storage and petroleum geology between the two universities, and with other key players in South Africa (e.g.SACCCS). We envision that the collaboration will materialize in mutual master and PhD theses at both universities, which may result in future connections between students from the two universities; this could be networks for the future!
Key questions in the utilization of sedimentary basins will be the same for underground CO2 storage, petroleum geology, and hydrogeology. On this background two week-long annual seminars (7-10 days in February-March and September-October) have been planned at the University of Pretoria for 2016 an 2017. The tentative program of four seminars covers:
- CO2 storage and petroleum prospect identification and evaluation, and key elements in prospect risking through geological and geophysical analysis of reservoirs and caprocks,
- Structural characterization of reservoir and caprock systems for CO2 storage integrity assessment, and
- Hands-on learnings from the Longyearbyen CO2 Lab pilot study.
- Micropaleontological and stratigraphical information analysis as a basis for reservoir assessments,
- Sedimentological facies analysis in reservoir characterization.
- Kerogen characterization of sedimentary formation with special emphasis on source rocks for petroleum and caprock properties for CO2 storage, and
- Characterization of depositional environments through palynological analysis.
- Regional tectonic analysis by geophysical exploration,
- Geophysical methods and missions in CO2 storage, petroleum geology and reservoir monitoring.