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INTPART-International Partnerships for Excellent Education and Research

Changes at the Top of the World through Volcanism and Plate Tectonics: Norwegian-Russian-North American Arctic research and education

Alternativ tittel: Toppen av verden: endringer gjennom vulkanisme og platetektonikk: Norsk-russisk-Nord Amerikansk Arktisk forskning og utdanning

Tildelt: kr 4,5 mill.

NOR-R-AM-prosjektet samler forskere fra Norge, Russland, USA og Canada som vil bygge en kunnskapsplattform for å vurdere hva vi vite om arktisk geologi. Vår hoved prosjekt resultater er: 1) Vi har utviklet ny Master/PhD UNIS kurset (AG-851/351: Arctic Tectonics and Volcanism) og vi vill fortsette a undervise det in 2020-01-30; 2) Vi har planlagt Chapman konferans -Large-scale Volcanism in the Arctic: The Role of the Mantle and Tectonics? (13 - 18.10 2019) med 100 verdens spesialister in Arkitsk tektonikk; 3) Vi har bygget opp en stark fag gruppe med partnere fra mest alle Arktisk lander og vi vil forsette å organisere konferenser, og å samarbeide på fremragende Arktisk temaer; 4) Vi har veiledet flere ung forskere og hjalp dem med å bygge opp sine kunnskap innen forskning, utdanning og formidling Et sammendrag av våre aktiviteter og oppdateringer finnes på https://norramarctic.wordpress.com/.

(1) a prototype for common digital database (2) New UNIS course on Arctic tectonics and volcanism https://www.unis.no/course/ag-851-arctic-tectonics-and-volcanism/ (3) New scientific results; (4) An international conference on Arctic Tectonics and Volcanism https://connect.agu.org/aguchapmanconference/upcoming-chapmans/arctic-volcanism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbe92g5jzPw (5) a white paper summarizing the Chapman Conference (Gaina et al., in preparation) (6) an AGU special volume (Anfinson, Coakley, Shephard and Gaina, in preparation) (7) CEED and UiO?s increased visibility as a global leader in Arctic research and outreach https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7uxswSi0YY&feature=youtu.be (8) Improved field and lab based graduate education through the CEED and UNIS courses

CEED and the Department of Geosciences (GEO) at the University of Oslo have now the desired critical mass to be considered the largest Norwegian hub for Arctic solid earth sciences, which span from sedimentary basin analysis, geodynamics, volcanism and links with the Deep Earth, and connects to glaciology and ocean and climate evolution. CEED?s mandate is to explore how volcanism and plate tectonics change the environment through time. This topic is of special significance to CEED and GEO, to Natural Science students enrolled in the Norwegian graduate school DEEP (coordinated by CEED), and to University of Oslo and its strategy regarding Arctic-related research and education. We propose to use the existent Arctic research and education platform built at CEED and GEO and, together with the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS), to seek collaboration with energetic, excellent research groups from Circum-Arctic countries like St. Petersburg University(Russia), University of Alaska and University of Texas(USA) and University of Ottawa(Canada, who have similar, but also complementary research and education expertise. Building an informed platform for assessing our knowledge and need for new data and novel understanding of the Arctic region will require first assessing and understanding the accumulated information at each institute, bench-marking some results, running few pilot studies and developing a common structure for storing and sharing this information. These activities will offer a perfect environment for involving students and we plan to develop new courses and research-based educational activities. Planned activities include: -Short and long-term reciprocal mobility (researchers and students)and joint supervision -Organisation of workshop/international conference -Development and implementation of 1 UNIS-UiO graduate course, and few intensive courses -Guest lectures and joint teaching at existent summer and Arctic schools -write joint research papers/proposals

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INTPART-International Partnerships for Excellent Education and Research