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FRIHUMSAM-Fri prosj.st. hum og sam

The acceptability of child protection interventions A cross-country analysis

Alternativ tittel: Befolkningens aksept av barnevernets funksjon. En landkomparativ studie.

Tildelt: kr 10,0 mill.

I løpet av høsten 2021 så har prosjektet publisert en rekke fagartikler deriblant «Processes and determining factors when family court judgments are made in England about infants entering care at birth» av June Thoburn. Fagartikkelen er en del av Acceptability prosjektet og forsker på beslutningstaking i 8 jurisdiksjoner med hensyn til omsorgssøknader til nyfødte spebarn. Prosjektleder Marit Skivenes, Jill D. Berrick og Joseph N. Roscoe publiserte «Children’s rights and parents ‘rights: popular attitudes about when we privilege one over the other». Artikkelen undersøker offentlige oppfatninger om barns rettigheter i barnevernet i Norge og California (USA). I løpet av 2022 har prosjektet publisert en rekke fagartikler. Blant annet så har Helland, Pedersen og Skivenes publisert “Comparing population view’s on state responsibility for children in vulnerable situations – the role of institutional context and socio-demographic characteristics”. Artikkelen ser på befolkningens synspunkter på myndighetenes ansvar for å gripe inn i situasjoner med mulig omsorgssvikt av barn i England, Finland, Norge og California (USA), og undersøker om barnevernsystemet og barns velvære, former folks perspektiv på myndighetenes ansvar for barn i sårbare situasjoner. “Parental Freedom in the Context of Risk to the Child: Citizens’ Views of Child Protection and the State in the US and Norway” er en annen artikkel skrevet av Berrick, Skivenes og Roscoe. I studien ser de på det normative grunnlaget for å begrense foreldres frihet ved å utforske offentlige holdninger til et barns sikkerhet i sammenheng med økende risiko.

Presentation and sharing results The results from the project have been actively presented in seminars, blog posts, conferences, and in mass-media as well as practice field journals and for policy makers. There is a great interest for this type of comparative research among policy makers, administrators and media. We have distributed the results directly to staff, agencies, courts that participate in the project, as well as to potential readers in both the academic and practice field. We have also presented our results on an updated and informative website, as well as presented snapshots from the project and its results on a project blog. The results have also initiated new research projects such as for example CPS-World and also a handbook in the field.

This project examines the population´s values and interpretations of the child´s best interests principle within different societies, as well at the courts justifications of their best interests judgments. The principle of the child´s best interests is recognized by all states, but it is a principle that is controversial and contested within and between welfare states. This becomes evident through the media's comprehensive and daily, coverage of cases involving migrant children and their families seeking residence permit, and controversies around child protection interventions towards migrant families or minority families. For Norway, for example, there has been recurring criticism of the child protection system from other states in the recent years, and just recently with demonstrations worldwide against a child protection intervention, displaying a strong distrust in the system. There are social and political controversies within Europe and within states regarding how to protect and care for the large influx of migrant children. This project has the potential to enhance our understanding of international differences regarding children´s status and their interests. It includes randomised surveys administered to the general population and thereby generates unique data on the causal mechanisms to explain differences in the perceptions of the child´s best interests. This project is the first comprehensive study on the justifications of decisions and judgements regarding the child´s best interests in child protection cases. As such, it enhances our understanding of the mechanisms of discretionary decision making, and it provides insight into the factors and values that are considered valid and legitimate within the legal-administrative sphere.

Publikasjoner hentet fra Cristin


FRIHUMSAM-Fri prosj.st. hum og sam